Growing Giant Sunflowers & Merry Manifestation

Thanks for coming to a merry show!

You’ve been chosen at random to take part in #ProjectSunflower.

What is #ProjectSunflower

With your help, we are growing giant sunflowers to encourage bees and other wildlife to flourish, helping humans blossom too!

From germination to harvest, follow our guide below for helpful tips and tricks to grow sunflowers successfully.

When nurturing your towering beauties, we invite you to do the same for your mind, body, and soul. By using meditation, manifestation, and positive affirmations to help you grow as superbly as your sunflowers.

sunflower head
sunflower head

Discover the power of flower communication

Sow, let’s seed a better world through merry manifestation! Yes, we can talk to plants and grow with them, it’s not weird!

We can transform our lives using nature as our top ally. By connecting with Mother Earth and embarking on a harmonious journey of self-discovery together!

We would love to hear about your sunflower success stories. Please share with us via our socials and become part of the merry many.

It’s Easy as 1,2,3

Unleashing your inner green thumb couldn’t be easier with growing tips from Mischa & His Merry Men (AKA ‘The Merry Many’)

sunflower head


Germinate Seeds

Germinate your indoors seeds in small pots.
Use the best compost you can find.
Keep them in a sunny spot with damp soil
(Not too wet!)


Transplant Outdoors

Once the seedlings are strong enough, transplant them to your garden.
Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.
Space them about 2 feet apart.
Use fertilizer and water regularly.


Meditation & Merry Manifestation

Whilst nurturing your sunflowers
we invite you to use the power of your imagination
to manifest your dreams into realities.

The Life Cycle of a Sunflower

Understanding your plants from seed to bloom and beyond.

sunflowerlife cycle

Seed Germination

Sow seeds
in a sunny position.


  • You can sow them inside in pots or outside where you want them to be.
  • Once you plant your sunflower seeds you need to be patient.
  • Sunflowers take on average 70 to 90 days to grow.
  • For the best results follow our growing tips below.
  • Add a bamboo cane or similar, so your sunflowers won’t topple when winds get high.

Germinating Inside

Seeds can be sown
from April – May.


  • Sow seeds individually in 10cm pots of peat-free, multi-purpose compost.
  • Cover the pots with a clear plastic bag and place them in a warm spot.
  • Remove the plastic cover once the seedlings have emerged.
  • Be careful the seedlings don’t get root-bound in their pots.
  • When the seedlings are large enough to handle. Harden off the seedings gradually for 2-3 weeks.
  • When they are ready to transplant outside, prepare the soil, by removing weeds.
  • Plant them two to three feet from each other and water gently.
  • If plants become crowded, thin them out to 45cm apart leaving the strongest, tallest plants.

Harden off means taking the pots outside during the day and bringing them in at night. This gives the tender seedlings time to adjust to the outside.

Germinating Outside

Sow seeds
Mid-April onwards.


  • When last spring frost is over.
  • Prepare the soil, remove weeds.
  • Leave 10cm between each seed.
  • Cover with soil, water gently.
  • Remember birds and squirrels enjoy eating seeds. We recommend placing screens over them to stop them being dug up.
  • If plants become crowded, thin them out to 45cm apart leaving the strongest, tallest plants.

Growing Tips

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Cultivate sunflowers where they will receive full sunlight for at least 6-8 hours daily.

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Ensure drainage is superb and irrigation goes right down to the roots.

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Sunflowers thrive in slightly acidic to neutral pH levels.

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Don’t let the soil dry out but also don’t soak it.

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Using a fertilizer (ideally organic) with a high level of nitrogen regularly is recommended.

sun icon

Watering scheduled: aim for once a week, increasing to twice during hot, dry periods.

sunflower head


After flowering, sunflower heads develop masses of seeds which you can harvest to use in cooking. Remember to remove the tough seed shell before eating.

When you remove the seeds from the seedhead, leave them to dry for a few days, then store them in a paper envelope in a cool, dry place and you can sow them the following year.

If you can, leave some seeds for the birds too please!

sunflower seeds dry

Identifying Maturity

Harvest when the back of the sunflower head turns yellow-brown and the seeds are plump and loose.

cutting sunflowers

Cutting The Heads

Use sharp scissors or pruners to cut the head off the plant, leaving a few inches of stem attached.


Drying and Storing

Hang the sunflower heads upside down in a dry, well-ventilated area. Once dry, rub the seeds off and store in an airtight container.

Meditation and Merry Manifestation

We are very grateful you’ve taken the time to read our sunflower growing tips!
Mother nature needs you and even a little thing like growing some sunflowers goes a long way. As one of Mother Earth’s Merry Many light forces, we know you’re excited to start growing!

Studies show that talking to plants encourages growth, further to this, positive thoughts are shown to optimise growth over negative ones, so it is of the utmost importance that we find the time to be at one with nature!

With this in mind, we hope you will join us and speak to your sunflowers each day, or better yet, why not roll out a yoga mat right beside your seedlings and show them your best Sun Salutation!

Sun Salutation

While practising the poses, meditate on expressing gratitude for the sun, which makes all life on Earth possible.

sun solutation
sun solutation

Don’t feel like talking or exercise?

No worries! How about just try sitting or standing near your sunflowers, close your eyes, take some deep breaths and just try to clear your mind and think about a better world we all can live in and for future generations to come

However, if thinking about changing the world is way too overwhelming, don’t sweat it, take a merry moment to share your hopes and dreams or think about ideas you may not have had a chance to imagine otherwise. The flower power is well and truly in your hands. Time, just like your sunflowers is golden so manifest wisely channelling peace, love, light and merriness always.

Who knows what the multiverse has in store and what might crop up in the process? For more merry manifestation magic.

Join the Merry Many

Sign up to our newsletter for reminders on when to plant and upcoming shows.

Follow us on socials for updates and please do share your sunflower selfies and progress with us by tagging:
#ProjectSunflower @MischasMerryMen


sunflower head

Sunflower Symbolism

Sunflowers represent positivity, joy, confidence, strength, growth, health, hope, happiness, loyalty and devotion. All of which we believe are the keys to revolutionizing our way to a sustainable society for ourselves and most importantly future generations. Sow merrily and please share with your loved ones and/or randoms alike.

One love, Mischa & His Merry Men (AKA ‘The Merry Many’)

MMM logo

Contact Us

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